Portuguese Language Centre Abuja

Instituto Camões – ECOWAS/CEDEAO

About the Instituto Camões

O Instituto Camões, I. P., abreviadamente designado por IC, é um instituto público integrado na administração indirecta do Estado, dotado de autonomia administrativa e património próprio.

Prossegue atribuições do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros nas áreas da Cultura e da Educação, sob a superintendência e tutela do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, desenvolvendo a sua acção no exterior, designadamente através de centros culturais portugueses, criados no quadro das representações diplomáticas, e de leitorados de língua e cultura portuguesas.

O IC tem por missão propor e executar a política de ensino e divulgação da língua e cultura portuguesas no estrangeiro, assegurar a presença de leitores de português nas universidades estrangeiras e gerir a rede do ensino de português no estrangeiro a nível básico e secundário, em coordenação com outros departamentos governamentais, em especial os Ministérios da Educação, da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior e da Cultura.

O Instituto Camões tem disponíveis vários recursos para todos aqueles que estão ligados ao ensino da língua portuguesa, sejam docentes ou estudantes. Para além de um programa de bolsas diversificado, o IC coloca online, através da plataforma Centro Virtual Camões, diversos materiais que podem ser utilizados directamente na Internet ou descarregados para um computador pessoal:

Studying Portuguese

The Portuguese Language Centre of Abuja has language courses of Portuguese for ECOWAS/CEDEAO staff and several institutions in Nigeria which use Portuguese as a working language (Ministry of Foreign Affaris, Armed Forces, Embassies, among others).

Also, those interested in studying Portuguese can apply to the on line long distance courses offered by Instituto Camões (besides language courses, there are also on line courses on translation of Portuguese, Literature, Culture, among others; you can check at ).

For those who want to study in Portugal, there are several universities with different ranges of courses, from intensive one month summer courses to one year courses).

Each and every course reflects the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) for language levels, although some courses may have a different title or designation.

State Universities

University of Azores

The University of Azores promotes summer courses, usually during July, divided in three (3) different levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced), with a duration of 60 hours. Students can apply to university accommodation. The cost of each course is between 600 and 800 euros.

University of Algarve

Summer courses take place in August. Candidates must apply in April

University of Coimbra

The oldest university of Portugal, and one of the oldest in Europe, offers different types of courses (intensive, annual and Summer). The cost of the language courses ranges from 450 (intensive) to 800 (annual). Besides Summer courses, there are also intensive courses om February and September for around 300 euros.

University of Évora

University of Évora has regular courses of Portuguese all over the year, with a duration of 64 hours, once a week. The cost is around 175 euros.

University of Lisbon

The Portuguese summer courses of the Faculty of Letters have been going on for 75 years. With a duration of 80 hours, it lengths for one month (July, August and September). There is a longer language course of 200 hours along thirteen (13) weeks each semester, with a total cost of 1240 euros. The University of Lisbon started last year a language course for student-workers, three times a week at non-working hours, costing 400 euros.

Private Universities

Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

UAL offers intensive language courses of three weeks, with classes on weekdays from 19h00 till 21h00. The courses function on blended learning, which means that students have access to the e-learning platform of the university. The courses have a duration of 30 hours in class plus 8 hours on line.

University of Algarve

Summer courses take place in August. Candidates must apply in April

Exams of Portuguese – CAPLE


CAPLE (Centro de Avaliação do Português Língua Estrangeira – Centre for Evaluation of Portuguese as Foreign Language) was created in 1998 in the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. In 1999, the Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs signed a protocol with the University of Lisbon establishing a System for Evaluation and Certification of Portuguese as Foreign Language, which is administrate by CAPLE.

CAPLE is the head of a network of examination centres spread in all continents, in more then 40 countries, where exams of Portuguese take place. There are three examination seasons (May, July and November), to which candidates can apply during the month previous to exams.

The cost of exams may vary according to the country where it takes place.

The five (5) levels of Portuguese as Foreign Language, in accordance to the European Union regulations, are:

CIPLE – Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira (Inititation)
DEPLE – Diploma Elementar de Português Língua Estrangeira (Elementary)
DIPLE – Diploma Intermédio de Português Língua Estrangeira (Intermediate)
DAPLE – Diploma Avançado de Português Língua Estrangeira (Advanced)
DUPLE – Diploma Universitário de Português Língua Estrangeira (Universitary)

The exams serve to evaluate the non-specific general communicative skills of adult users. It is under study the creation of a system of evaluation and certification for children and adolescents, as well as the evaluation and certification of Portuguese for specific means.

CAPLE is part of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe), of which the University of Lisbon was co-founder in 1990.

About the Portuguese Language Centre

The Portuguese Language Centre is located at Niger House, in Central Business Disctrict, in Abuja, next to Akwa Ibom House. It comprises a class room, equipped with computers with self-learning software, and a library, also with computers where films, documentaries and music are available.

The PLC team is made up by its director, Miguel Moiteiro Marques, lecturer of the Instituto Camões, Emem Jeremiah, secretary and librarian, and three other collaborators,  Abubakar, Jomo and Victoria.